Paper Flowers

Paper FlowersPaper Flowers by Erica Cope
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

*sigh* Young love. We’ve all been there. This story takes me back to those boy crazy days. This is a sweet young adult story, but I think everyone will relate to it. Cami got on my nerves for the first few pages. Then it hit me why. I was just like her! 14 was a very emotional year lol Boys, boys, boys. That’s all I thought about. It was amazing how Cami’s thoughts were my own. And here we thought we were the only girl in the world that had ever felt those things lol We were so dramatic back then. I felt for the poor girl. My heart was so happy watching Cami grow throughout this story. She learned some very hard lessons and learned so much about herself.
I loved Oliver. I wish I had a friend as amazing as him. He was so patient! The boy is a saint.
There were a lot of ‘awww’s’ in this story, but the end of chapter 22 had me doubling over laughing! That scene was epic. I thought I saw that coming, just not in such a hilarious way. I definitely recommend this story to anyone willing to give a sweet young adult story a shot.

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